Introducing Climate smart agriculture in Luwero

Our smallholder farmers will this season benefit from practicing climate smart agriculture under the soya bean value chain. This is in partnership with Rural Enterprise Development Solutions (REDS) that promotes these techniques and Micro Credit for Development and Transformation SACCO(MCDT) that provides financial services to the farmers.

The farmers have been trained on using ‘hole basins’ a climate smart technique that saves the farmer labor costs, time in ploughing, increases yield and most importantly preserves the environment and protects the farmers’ produce from effects of climate change. The farmer need not plough the whole farmland but concentrates on the hole the seed will be planted; the same hole can be used for crop rotation in the next season.

Climatesmart agriculture (CSA) encourages sustainable development of agricultural systems through practices and approaches that achieve improved food security, increased resilience, and low-emissions development where possible and appropriate in the face of climate change.

Green Shares is committed to ensure climate smart technologies are adopted in farming communities for increased yield and incomes for small holder farmers.