About Us
Green shares Limited (GSL)
We are a social enterprise that was founded in 2018 to empower farmers to earn more income by unlocking the farming potential of small holder farmers to boost higher production and incomes. This is through partnering with farmers on farms before and after harvest. We provide a life line to small holder farmers and Farm Sponsors(FS) by making Farming a Business(FAB) through our digital platforms. We provide a platform where farm sponsors(investors) invest in production requirements of small holder farmers for a return at the end of the harvest cycle.
A pilot run was conducted in May 2019 with 85 farmers in Kamuli district, farmers were pre-financed with farm inputs under the chia seed value chain. We have since grown to other areas of operation including Luwero and will soon be in Northern Uganda; growing our reach to unlock the potential of small holder farmers.

Fostering Inclusive Agriculture
We are committed to unlocking the potential of smallholder farmers leveraging on technology. Let’s Reimagine Farming. Soon rolling out our Digital Farms.
People with out land or time to farm will be able to use farming as an investment vehicle for a return. Our Trading fund that supports Market linkage services to farmers is already active during the harvest season; where investors earn a return within 90 days t support market connect services.
Do you work with small holder farmers that need market access?
Let us help you get there
Our value Chains
- Rice
- Chia Seed
- Soya Bean
- Cassava
- Simsim
Why Choose Us?
We closely partner with you with the goal of boosting your production and incomes.

Access to Information
We provide access to agronomy and promote Climate Smart agricultural technology.

Ready Markets and fair prices
We assure ready markets and favorable pricing for your products

Reliable partners
We connect you to reliable and dependable partners to facilitate your growth

Guarantee Services
We guarantee our input in terms of investment and support throughout the production cycle

Trusted Expertise
We stay true to our word to ensure success and growth.

High Quality
We ensure quality at all levels of our value chains.